Silicon Valley Friends of Ferals
Recommended Reading
Here is our list of recommended books about feral cats and cat care in general.
These books may be purchased through vendors in whose
associates programs SVFF participates,
who will then donate a portion of the book's price to SVFF.
The Cornell Book of Cats: A Comprehensive and Authoritative Medical Reference
for Every Cat and Kitten
by the Faculty, Staff, and Associates,
Cornell Feline Health Center,
Cornell University
Edited by Mordecai Siegal
Roger Tabor's Cat Behavior: A Complete Guide to Understanding How Your Cat Works
by Roger K. Tabor
Maverick Cats : Encounters With Feral Cats
by Ellen Perry Berkeley
The Wild Life of the Domestic Cat
by Roger Tabor
[Out of print]
Silicon Valley Friends of Ferals does not operate for profit, but does not have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
Copyright © 2000-2004 -- Silicon Valley Friends of Ferals
-- webmaster@svff.org
Document: SVFF Reading List
URL: http://svff.org/readinglist.html
Last updated: 09/12/2004 22:28:16 Pacific Time