Silicon Valley Friends of FeralsServicesSilicon Valley Friends of Ferals is staffed entirely by volunteers who typically have full time day jobs, so the service we can offer is limited by our work, family and other commitments. We usually have a waiting list for assistance, especially during the the warmer times of the year when cats are breeding. Clients receiving our help are expected to cover any costs incurred, such as for veterinary care. We cannot typically offer our services on a pro-bono basis.TTVAR Consulting, Training, and AssistanceThe principal mission of SVFF is to help people humanely control feral cat populations by implementing Trap-Test-Vaccinate-Alter-Release (TTVAR) programs. We use a variety of low-cost veterinary care options for feral cats, including the the program of subsidized veterinary care provided by Santa Clara County and provided through various county clinics [note the county's clinic list is not up to date] such as the Humane Society of Silicon Valley, as well as alternative programs like Silicon Valley Animal Rights' program Project Henry, or the Fix our Ferals programs in Berkeley and on the Peninsula. The veterinary costs typically range from $10 to $25 per cat, and include:
Additional services such as FeLV/FIV testing, FeLV vaccine, treatment for fleas or other parasites, and euthanasia of sick or injured cats are often available at an additional cost. After the cat recovers from surgery, it will be released back to the site of trapping. We provide consultation in planning trapping strategy, training in the use of humane traps, and assistance in the trapping effort itself (trapping, transport, subsequent release). Since we have more requests for assistance than we can currently handle, we may prioritize requests from those people who are willing to play an active role in the effort by receiving training and advice, then handing trapping, transport, and financing (see below) themselves. Doing so allows us to teach the TTVAR approach to as many people as possible, broadening our impact on feral cat populations. The colony caretaker is responsible for covering as much of the expense of the veterinary care as possible. The price is extremely reasonable, to the point that we respectfully request that those we assist consider making an additional small donation or help raise funds to help cover the incidental costs (e.g. trapping supplies, fuel, etc) we incur in rendering assistance and to cover the care of rescued cats who need more extensive treatment. Rescue of Adoptable Stray/Feral Colony CatsIncidental to our TTVAR work, we might encouter tame adult cats and kittens young enough to socialize. If foster space is available, we are sometimes able to rescue and provide home care for these cats with the aim of placing them in adoptive homes. Foster care space is within the homes of SVFF volunteers and partnered rescue organizations and is very limited. We are requesting that clients make a donation of at least $25-50 per cat taken into foster care to help cover expenses. While we do charge a fee to those who end up adopting the cats from us, that fee rarely covers the full expense of caring for the rescued cats. Adoption Listing ServicesPrivate parties with cats for adoption may post notices on our message board. Please read the rules before posting. We also encourage you to post a classified ad on Yahoo! and craigslist, as well as in your local newspaper. Feral Cat Relocation - Usually Not OfferedAssistance with relocation of feral cats would only be considered by SVFF if the current colony location is unsafe for the cats. Sadly, suitable relocation sites are hard to come by. If the colony caretaker can identify a suitable alternative for an unsafe colony site, SVFF will help relocate TTVAR'd cats to the alternate site. We do not have any relocation sites available for on-demand relocation. Colony caretakers need to do the legwork to identify the site and check for suitability. Under no circumstances will SVFF assist in relocations to places where the cats will not have access to shelter and be provided with food and water - we will not simply dump cats in the hills. Feral Cat "Disposal" - Not OfferedOur approach to humanely controlling feral cat populations is by implementing TTVAR programs, and we expect that we will be permitted to release feral cats back to the site of trapping (although we might choose not to if the site of trapping is obviously dangerous for the cats). We do not provide "trap and dispose" services for people who want to "get rid of" their feral cats. This approach is ineffective, but people who want to pursue it anyway should call their municipal animal control authority. Rescue of Owner-Surrender Pets - Not OfferedOur foster care space is so limited that we are unable to take in all potentially adoptable cats from colonies where we are implementing TTVAR programs. That being the case, we cannnot consider taking in cats from those who are no longer able or willing to keep their pets. Rescue of Kittens Born to Owned Pets - Not OfferedLikewise, we will not take in any kittens born to owned cats. Get your cat spayed if she isn't.
Silicon Valley Friends of Ferals does not operate for profit, but does not have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
Copyright © 2000-2004 -- Silicon Valley Friends of Ferals
-- webmaster@svff.org